Depending on the ideas and objectives' MilenaPuuls "Ltd. offers different versions of a Turkish bath. It can be developed and tailored to the client's desire, always strive to offer the most optimal option for izrabotka.Tozi type of bath has multiple basic requirements of any premises are engaged in oriental or Arabic style, covered with stone or mosaic as mandatory are:
Hall-training - shaped room with a comfortable heated benches on which the person leave to prepare for the actual procedures, the air temperature is 38-42oS
-pomeshtenie with Cournot-second room equipped with heated massage bench. The lining is made of stone or glass here perform the actual procedures: massage with foam soap with loofah or exfoliating glove of horsehair and others. massages, obtrivki.
last passenger room with warmed to 38oS anatomic bench, this is the place to relax after which procedures prikchvat
Useful to know: in the bathroom air is humid therefore improve respiratory function, blood circulation, enhance pores, improves metabolism, stimulates the release of anti toxin fluid organism.