It is made of high quality timber as the basis for this type of bathroom consists of three successive separate rooms.
1 Predbannik - room undressing and preparing to air temperature 20-25 ° C
2 Steam bath - room with a high temperature 50-55 ° C and high humidity, heated with a special oven that pyre of wood mounted exhaust pipe smoke. There bucket for watering stones that produce steam, massage bench and brushes birch twigs, fir and others.
3 shower room for bathing at 40 ° C
Important attribute in the Russian bath are:
* Brooms - birch, oak, lime, juniper and others.
* The herbs - thyme, chamomile, lavender
* Gloves and hats - used as the bathroom has a high temperature and humidity to protect your skin and hair.
Useful to know: moisten skin, remove dead skin cells speeds up the metabolism in tissues, improves oxygen supply. Discharged from the body toxins, bad cholesterol, heavy metals. Partially lowered blood pressure. It can be used by many people.