Early in the season, the pool should be put into operation in which it is important to follow certain procedures in order to avoid problems during the high season. Namely:
1 Make sure that your pool equipment (pump, filter, etc.) function properly.
2 If necessary, drain the pool and pochidtete sides and bottom of a CL Clean. This procedure must be performed at a time when sunlight is weak to the sides and bottom remain moist. After moistening the surface, let the product act for 30 minutes en.
3 After cleaning the sides and bottom, fill the pool with water.
4 Perform shock chlorination with CTX200 / GR (dose of 15 g / m3) or CTX300 (dose of 15 g / m3), adding it directly into skimmers or compensation reservoir of your pool. If your pool is filled for more than one day, ppreporachva proportional addition of chemicals in order to avoid the development of algae.
5 Check the pH level in the pool and if necessary adjust the limits 7.2-7.6 using CTX10 (pH-) and CTX20 (pH +)
6 Аpplication program self maintaining water